Our Approach

Our issues-based executive learning group programs provide participants with opportunities to harness the collective wisdom of peers to address the challenges that inhibit their effectiveness as leaders. By working through ‘real issues in real time’, our programs remain realistic, relevant and grounded within participants’ specific work contexts.

Our approach to leadership is grounded in the following tenets:

  • Leaders are responsible for their actions and accountable for the impact they have on others.
  • Leaders have a choice in how they perceive and interact with others, and that by their choices, they either strengthen or weaken their working relationships.  
  • The effectiveness of leaders crucially depends on the quality of their working relationships.
  • Every interaction leaders have offers them an opportunity to build trust, be respectful and act with integrity.
  • Wise decision-making based on informed choice is the single most important variable in determining organisational performance.
  • Informed choice requires access to relevant information, which is only possible under conditions of psychological safety.
  • Psychological safety requires behaviour based on trust and mutual respect.

We believe that leadership that engenders psychologically safety and fosters productive working relationships based on trust and mutual respect should be a strategic imperative for all organisations. This is particularly true when organisations are faced with the need for transformation and renewal.

It is our contention that productive relationships are essentially learning relationships in which the participants share relevant information and facilitate informed choice in order to make wise decisions and take effective action. This is a process of mutual learning.

The practice of mutual learning has a transformational impact on relationships and provides a highly effective approach to enhancing leadership effectiveness in a manner which engenders psychological safety and builds trust and mutual respect.

All our service offerings are all based on the research-validated principles of mutual learning, psychological safety, trust and mutual respect.

As an organisation, we are deeply committed to assisting senior executives and managers in becoming more effective as leaders. We believe this is most productively achieved by developing their capacity to engender psychological safety and develop productive working relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Research Validated

The research and development done by Chris Argyris and Donald Schon into mutual learning, and by Amy Edmondson into psychological safety and teaming, have stood the test of time. There remains a significant and growing interest in their work by leading organisational scholars and practitioners internationally, leading to ongoing publication of further well-researched applications.

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“I now have a much greater insight into the concept of leadership and some very thought-provoking ideas about difficult conversations.”

Get In Touch

Contact us today on Info@executiveleadership.com.au for more information about our executive learning group programs.